
vote for me!

So here is the deal.
I'm a mom. I want to stay home with my baby.
How do I want to do that? By designing wedding invitations, stationary, wherever my imagination leads.
How am I going to get business? The internet.
How do we market to brides now-a-days? Etsy and Blogs.
How do I get my blog out into the BLOG WORLD? update a lot (which I am doing! oh and my secret - scheduled blog posts. I do a bunch at once, and then schedule when throughout the day they will post... i don't just sit on my computer all day, you know! i have a crazy, hungry baby on my hands) AND get on this website: topbabyblogs.com!

So please please please, just click on this link and enter the site to vote for my blog. The more I get, the higher I go on the list, and the more people see my blog.

I love you all.


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