
hello 2012. i know it's february, but here are my goals!

So my free time of January and evenings with Ricky are not turned over to school, school, and more school.

that means i have to kick myself in the bum and get back to life.

i have a lot of goals for 2012. most of them are START goals, rather than complete goals. if i could just get them going, i think that will be enough to celebrate.

i love being a mom, but i wish my time was multiplied during the day. i am sure there is a great lesson to be learned in this season - specific to the fact i have so many projects i'd love to launch, and so little free time to do it. i feel like some are ideas from heaven, not because they are so original or life-altering, but because there is such fire in my belly connected to each "dream". so much motivation. so little hours.

how i didn't accomplish more in my single days is a travesty to me now. if only i knew was a gift those hours of solitude were. i could have written a commentary on books of the bible! studied hebrew! designed hundreds of original pieces of art! wrote songs! mastered the guitar! wrote a novel! ran 3 miles a day! and the list could go on and on. i mean i could have DESTROYED my "DIY" board on pinterest.

and of course, they weren't wasted. there were many of beautiful things developed in those hours. lots of little writings, long talks with best friends, journal after journal packed to the brim, a library of scribbled through theology books...

but still. the space to create was so large.

and i wonder, for us creative folk, sometimes the pressure of little to no time brings forth the greatest products. i don't know. maybe not. but it seems for me my greatest results come in the womb of the night where sleep is chasing me down and causing me to say, "5 more minutes" or in small spaces i find on my own.

i always performed under pressure.

and so. here in my one afternoon of solitude i wish to organize and prioritize. these are my goals for 2012.

- Lay out the skeleton of my children's novel. Perhaps complete the first section.
- Lay out the theme of the 3 set children's books I'd like to create. Decide on artform. Perhaps partner with someone.
- Create 5 strong stationary designs for webstore.
- Create 5 strong Christmas card designs.
- Turn poetry/writings into 2 songs.

- Focus more on blog. Use Ricky's school night to develop and create scheduled posts.

- Do family worship once a week.
- Do daily worship with Amos Monday through Friday. (play on piano and/or dance to worship music)
- Wake up early with Ricky (6?) to spend the morning together.
- Receive divine revelation about how to transition Amos into sleeping better (not needing nursing to fall back asleep, sleeping through the night/or only 1 waking)
- Date night once every other week with Ricky. (so many choices in san diego, something unique every time!)
- Plan a small night getaway on each of Ricky's breaks. (groupon getaways?)
- Pack more diverse lunches/dinners for Ricky - especially on his school days.
- Do one OUTING a week with Amos. Perhaps on Monday. (Park, Aquarium, Museum, etc.)

- Keep and be consistent on a prayer list.
- Finish bible study books.
- Figure out a bible reading plan.
- Journal at least once a day.
- Memorize a scripture once a week (put all over home. turn into song with Amos. etc.)
- Practice contemplative prayer... perhaps in morning or during nap time.
- Go to at least 2 conferences this year. Perhaps visit Bethel? Or IHOP retreat?

- Meal plan for Monday - Friday! (more crockpot meals)
- Begin envelope system for budgeting (cash only).
- Only do errands twice a week.
- Get all photos in albums.
- Get digital photos in albums.
- Work on next years Christmas gifts through out this year so I'm not slammed in the fall when I'm worn out at the end of Ricky's semester.
- Transition all etsy business onto a separate money system. (to better track expenses/profits)

That's all I can think of now. I'm sure I'll add as things come up.

What are some of your goals for 2012?
What does your daily schedule/routine look like?

Any ideas on how to improve life as a mom/wife/lover of Jesus?


  1. Tiff, I read this the day you wrote it & so many of these are goals that I have in mind for this year too!

    An idea for Christmas that someone gave me recently: buy/make each person's Christmas gift sometime in the month that they were born so it will be spread out over the year.

    If you come up with any really great crockpot recipes, let me know! :)

    I love your blog. Thanks for sharing!


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