
animal dayz.

so saturday was a good day. it started with some fight resolution that was never accomplished the night before between mr. v and i, as i was too tired to discuss, and i knew, tiredness + offense always leads to disaster. we talked it out in the morning and then with unwashed faces and messy hairs we took a walk to our local coffee shop and checked out the yard sales down the block.

amos then took a bath, ate some rice cereal (with his baby probiotics to counteract his antibiotics for his re-occuring ear infection. so so sad.), and some prunes. it was a busy day of changing diapers - as you might imagine...

i love amos' little shirt so much, i had to photograph it - ALL DAY!!!

amos at whole foods shopping for some treats.

and here's a lil vid of amos in action:

Animal Dayz - Amos Style from Tiffany Valdez on Vimeo.


  1. oh leland has the same shirt! soo cute. i am so thankful for the gap and gap outlet otherwise all of leland's clothes would have tacky dinosaurs, monkeys, or footballs all over them :)

  2. I can't handle his cheeks, the hat, the tee..way too adorable, how do you get through the day without squeezing him nonstop?

  3. I LOVE that little boy so much! PLEAST POST more videos... on one of my favorite blogs she posts a weekly video and it's always hysterical... YOU NEED TO DO THAT.



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